Tuesday, March 18, 2014


First of all, many, many thanks to Loose Threads for organizing this wonderful day!!!  Huge thanks go to Marijke, Moishe and Joyce for all their hard work.  Seems everybody contributed - there were goodies and sweets  to keep us all fully energized throughout the day!  People brought non-perishable food for the local food bank.

When the guests arrived, they drew numbers from a bag to tell them which table to sit at, which meant that people from different guilds sat together.  A great way to meet and mingle!  It was fun to meet new people and reacquaint with familiar faces.

We sure look busy!!!!

Barbara Sweeney was the guest speaker and was fabulously interesting.  Her quilts (which were many) were very provocative and I'm sure got many people thinking and pondering.

There was also amazing fabric for sale at ridiculously low prices.  Everyone sure participated in that!  Everyone scrambled to get more - just what we all need - MORE!!!

I took this picture in one split second when the table wasn't packed with people snatching up those juicy little morsels.  I'm sure everyone came away with that one choice piece they just had to have!!!

And finally, a really  fun game.  I don't know what it was called, but let's say - LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER.  One lucky person ended up with a huge pile of fat quarters!!!  Great fun!!!!

Once again a huge 'thank you' to Loose Threads for organizing this day for all of us every year.  It sure is appreciated!!!  The day was great fun - full of new faces, new ideas, sharing patterns, web sites, etc. Anybody that missed this day, should set this date aside for next year.  I know I speak on behalf of all the West End Quilters who were there - a big THANK YOU!!!


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