Sunday, October 18, 2009

congratulations to Roz Agulnik

This evening, Roz Agulnik was honored at the Annual Cote St. Luc Volunteer Award dinner with the Socio-Cultural Award for her "exceptional contribution to the recreation socio-cultural program". As a co-president and valued member of the guild, Roz is a tireless and commited worker for Loose Threads. Roz is always eager to do what needs to be done and is willing to help , and always with a smile.
As well as wishing her a hearty Mazel Tov, we thank her for all she does for our guild.
Congratulations to Johanne and her CQQ group for a wonderful meeting yesterday! And thanks also to Quilte Montreal for all their preparation, hard work, great sweets table, etc. A huge job well done. Congratulations to all. We had 9 of our members there yesterday and we all had a lot of fun!! Personally, it was the first time I was able to attend, and it sure won't be my last.

Thanks again to all who made this happen.


Saturday, October 17, 2009


Today was the CQQ was hosted by Cuilte Montreal and there was a wonderful turnout - more than 160 quilters from all over Quebec. There was a beautiful Show & Tell, great raffle prizes, people worked on making blocks for next year's raffle quilt, yummy snacks provided by CM members, and there were several vendors.
There was info and early registration for the Salon 2010 - classes look really good!!!!
It was a wonderful day.
Congratulations and continued success to the executive of CQQ. Great job!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sorry - that tidbit of information about Elaine came from Sharon!
So glad to hear from Shemie that Elaine Quehl is a great teacher! A couple of us from WEQ are going to Kingston beginning of November to take a class from Elaine. It's one of a group of weekend workshops given by Fibreworks Kingston. Also there are some great workshops coming to Cornwall - check out